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JarToExe Usage

Jar2Exe V2.0 has been released at a new home:

Jar2Exe user interface introduction

Step 1: Select JAR file

Please input the jar full path or classes directory

Input the jar file full path or classes directory which contains .class files.

Browse JAR ...

Popup a file open dialog to select jar file.

Select Dir ...

Popup a directory select dialog to select a classes directory.

The minimum JRE version required when runs

To appoint the minimum JRE version required when generated exe runs.

Step 2: Select Application Type

Console Application

When generated exe runs, the console is visible.

Windows GUI Application

When generated exe runs, the console is not visible.

Windows NT Service

Then generated exe can run at a Windows Service. It can be launched automatically when computer starts up without user login.

The generated Windows Service by trial version of Jar2Exe will stop service at a random moment, it is for demo only.

Step 3: Select Main Java Class

Please input the main java class to start running

Full java class name with main() method, such as 'test.Hello', click to select from class tree.

Select ...

Popup a class select dialog to select main class from the tree.


Please input NE service name

This input box will appear if "Windows NT Service" is selected on the previous page.

Input unique service name. Click 'settings' to setup other parameters.


To setup detailed parameters.

Service Description

Service description is not supported by Windows NT 4.0, so it is ignored when service is installed on Windows NT 4.0.

Services Depended

Use "/" as separator.

Step 4: Options Settings

Support system tray

Enable system tray supported by generated exe. This checkbox will be disabled is the application type is Windows Service.

Go to support page to download develop interface.

Support system event log

Enable system event log supported by generated exe.

Go to support page to download develop interface.

Hide class files

Let generated exe not able to be extracted to class files.

Encrypt and hide class files

Use a more complex arithmetic to hide class files.

Step 5: Select Other Jars Depended

To add other jar files depended

Depended jar libraries can be included into generated exe file together.


Popup a file open dialog to select depended jar file.


If "Hide" or "Encrypt" is enabled in the previous page, the depended jars can be protected in the same way.


Remove the selected jar file from the list.

Filter for classes directory

If a classes directory is selected in the first page, this "Filter" box will be visible.

If the relative file name matches the filter pattern, the file will NOT be included into the generated exe. Use comma (,) to separate more than one filter patterns.


**  -  Any path

*  -  Any directory or file name excluding file separator "\" and "/"

?  -  Any single character except file separator "\" and "/"

For example:

 *.bak  -  will filter out all bak files in the classes directory.

 **\*.bak  -  will filter out all bak files in classes directory and its all sub-directory.

 **\CVS\*  -  will filter out all files in each CVS directory.

 test\**  -  will filter out all files in test directory and its all sub-directory.

Step 6: Select EXE filename to create

Please input the executive filename to create

Input the full path of executive filename to create.


Popup a save as dialog to select the executive filename to create.

Icon & Version

Popup the product info dialog to edit the version info and icon file.


Created exe is not allowed to be modified

If checked, the generated exe is not allowed to be modified.

If not checked, the generated exe can be encrypt again by other third-party tools. © 2005 - All Rights Reserved